Current work
This year I am working on two projects. I am writing my Master thesis on Type Theory and Classical Logic where I will be working with a relatively new proof assistant called Lean. This thesis is a collaboration between the Department of Mathematics and LASIGE, a Computer Science and Engineering research unit at the Department of Informatics. This thesis is being supervised by Prof. Dr. Fernando FERREIRA and Dr. Alcides FONSECA.
Moreover, I will be publishing a small article on Probability Theory as part of a new project called “Ciência Crónica”, a project in partnership with AEFCL and the newspaper Crónico.
Past student work
In 2017, I wrote my Bachelor's thesis entitled Axiom of Choice and Compactness at the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Luxembourg under the supervision of Dr. Bruno TEHEUX.
Last year I wrote two projects on Probability Theory:
Recurrent events (2019), supervised by Dr. Simon CAMPESE
Queuing Theory (2019), supervised by Dr. Christian DOBLER
In 2015 and 2016 I participated twice in the Experimental Mathematics Lab from the University of Luxembourg, where I wrote the following projects:
Marches aléatoires, Loi de l’arcsinus
et Mouvement Brownien (2016), supervised by Prof. Dr. Ivan NOURDINMagic Squares (2015), supervised by Prof. Dr. Gabor WIESE and Dr. Panagiotis TSAKNIAS
Future goals
In the near future I hope to enter a PhD program.
Later on, my main goal will be to teach Mathematics and to share my love for this subject.